Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Year 2008

This would be the last entry for year 2008. I compiled a list of eleven resolutions back in January this year. Some think I am too ambitious whilst others have doubts that I would follow my detail plan. I have, however, been reviewing the resolution and keeping track of the progress on a weekly basis for the entire year. Today my report card shows that four of the eleven resolutions are successful realized, two are progressing well but not fully pull off, whilst the other five yet to accomplished. I shall have similar if not an even more detailed plan for year 2009.

Ready for a run at year 2009
Polishing my shoes and preparing for a run at year 2009

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Boxing Day

Participate in a boxing day gathering last night, which includes events such as exchanging of presents, special performance by those not following the themes and names memory exercise. I received a solar mini plant, another form of lucky vegi (see photo) :)

Lucky Vegi

There are plenty of wines tasting exercise too. To my surprise, some people have never heard of the mixture of red wines and soda. Although it is wise to think that such mixture will spoilt the original taste of the wine, one should also be aware that there are plenty of people, particularly Chinese from the main land China, believed that such combination are tastier (not that I believe in it). Some manufacturers (even those from countries producing good wines) produce such mixture as final product. If you wish to try that, why not mix a Cab Souvignon from France with soda. I mean, who would want to try a Cab Souv from France by itself anyway.

Unique presents
A very unique present that Stephie received. Who can guess what's that for?

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

I wish everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Joyeux Noël et une nouvelle année heureuse

Buon Natale e un nuovo anno felice

عيد ميلاد المسيح سعيدة وسنة جديدة

즐거운 성탄 및 새해 복 많이 받으세요


Yuan De Bu Neng Na, Fang De Neng Na
(Indian, must read very fast, with head shaking, and curry on one hand)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Prison Escapees Spotted

Warning! Prison escapees were spotted in the newly constructed lighted church. See photo.

Warning! Prison Escapees 04 and 547 were Spotted!

It’s a 3D puzzle of 327 pieces. Surprisingly it hasn’t been as difficult as anticipated as it took less than ten man-hours for completion.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Here’s some of my cars collection from Shell. There are five from the James Bond series and seven from the Ferrari series.

Collection from Shell

I used to have some pretty cool hand made car models, however, have been crumple over the years of lack of maintenance, and is currently packed in some boxes in the garage. I never own a remote car in my childhood and have been considering getting one for myself now, despite being a little bit too ‘matured’ for that. Maybe I can get one just for the sake of chasing the dog or unwanted visitors. If you come visit me and I happen to take out the remote car, you should know my intention. :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Appointed a professional grass cutter to cut the overgrown grass in the front yard. Was sucked in when he sarcastically said that I have not cut the grass for over a year, which as a matter of fact was quite true. The front yard is now 80% yellow / semi-dead grass but hopefully new life will arise in the coming weeks. New life will represent new hope, new opportunities, new luck and new aura. Time to buy 4D coming soon perhaps. :)

Semi-dead but new life coming soon, hopefully.

Friday, December 12, 2008

8 Word & Chinese Zodiac

Just recently attended an 8 word analysis and realize that I am seriously lack of water. A website indicated that only 1.5% of my five elements are water. As such, if you have excess water, please spare some to me.

In terms of the Chinese Zodiac animals, my best friends are Sheep and Pig. If you are a sheep or pig, preferable someone with plenty of water, leave me your phone number and I will be your best friend immediately. If you are a rooster, particularly with plenty of gold or earth, however, then it’s a pleasure knowing you, good bye.

R u rooster?
Are you a rooster or sheep/pig?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Book Sharing 2

I attended another book sharing discussion last night, which I haven’t been participating since June earlier this year. This book is about the sub-prime crisis in the States that has been troubling the World for the past year.

An interest fact pointed by the book is that many sub-prime properties have been packaged and improvised into some financial structure for marketing purpose and that nobody can recognize its original state anymore. Similarly, many people have undergone much plastic surgeries and that nobody can recognize or remember their original appearances anymore. Do you know what financial products you have acquire or what is your wife / girlfriends’ original appearances?

I wonder what is Kirinenko's (the red bunny) original apperances?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


My car fuel tank’s low warning light was on whist I was driving late last night, only to realize that the petrol shall reduce another ten cents tomorrow and that its 11.45pm at that time. So what would you do? Sit there and wait for 15 minutes or do what I am doing – pump just RM 10 and revisit the station the following day?

I wonder who would sleep there for 15 minutes for the price of petrol to change?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bak Kut Teh

I have recovered from last week’s sickness. Based on my professional analysis, the root of sickness is throat infection that leads to fever, headache and cold. The cause of throat infection is over-heaty, which starts from serious heaty food several days prior to the sickness. One of them being the superwoman’s Bak Kut Teh’ exhibition in Klang (see below)

Biggest bowl filled with bak kut teh’ in the world, many innocent pig was murdered for this).

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sick Again

I have fallen to the hand of the sick devil again, with scorching soar throat, cold, fever and headache attacking at the same time. I wonder why is my body so weak in the last two months. Someone said its due to 财多身体弱 (tons of money makes one weak). If that’s the case, please emphasis on the 财多. Show me the money baby.

Show me the money baby!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Christmas 2008

Christmas is around the corner so lets start practicing the new amended Christmas Song.

Oh' You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town.

It's hitting you once,
It's hitting you twice
It doesn't care if you've been careful and wise
Recession is coming to town

It's worthless if you've got shares
It's worthless if you've got bonds
It's safe when you've got cash in hand
So keep cash for goodness sake, HEY

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town!

Finance products are confusing
Finance products are so vague
The banks make you bear the cost of risk
So keep out for goodness sake, OH

You'd better watch out
You'd better not cry
You'd better keep cash
I'm telling you why:
Recession is coming to town...

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I suffer an unexpected electrical shock whilst trying to eject the cd from the DVD player last night. The feeling isn’t that pleasing and I can still feel the numb in my fingers now. Of all possible methods of capital punishment, I wonder why some would choose such brutal and unmanly method. The process is slow and every seconds of electrocution feels like forever.

For those who never have such experience, please feel free to visit my house and play with my dvd player.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


Saman, a.k.a. wedding invitation is one side effect of having many friends and is inevitable as your acquaintances (and yourself) getting closer to the age of marriage. I have three saman next month; all fall within the week actually, so it must be some sort of auspicious date. A friend told me my three saman are nothing compares to her seven. Anybody has more than her?

Woo.. Saman...
Wooo! Saman!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I have recovered some 90% from the cough that was troubling me for more than two weeks. I couldn’t imagine myself staying away from cold drinks, ice-cream, chicken (which still doesn't make any sense to me) and air-cond for the entire two weeks, but the recovery process may have been longer should I choose not to follow. On the worst nights, I was forced to sit to sleep as my cough persist as soon as I lie down.

On the Prison Bunny front, I have been waiting patiently for the release of season 3. The first episode of season 3 was released more than two weeks ago, however, subsequent episodes were not seen anywhere on web. Nonetheless, I will continue to check on a daily basis and notify everyone (and force everybody to watch) once it is out.

Prison Bunny Season 3
Prison Bunny Season 3

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I have been very sick for almost a week now with terrible coughing and scorching soar throat that disturb my daily activity and sleep. Great appreciation to those who show concern on my health. I hope this sickness is not as bad as my last cough about a year ago, which took approximately two months plus for recovery and pass the germ to no less than 6 people and to as far as Melaka.

If one’s life is so hectic that he or she never has a chance to sit down and think, then being sick occasionally may not be such a bad idea. You may figure out what is meaning of life?

P.S. I always wonder why the Chinese medicine disapproves one from taking chicken and egg if they have bad cough. What's the rational behind this?

Geng Dong Nim Chi Ngan, Chun Pui Pei Pa Tong
Anti cough sweets: Geng Dong Nim Chi Ngan, Chun Pui Pei Pa Tong

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I have my birthday celebration in the last few days. The number of attendees in my birthday steamboat session is overwhelming. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for those who organise the gathering (i.e. superwoman and super-pork), and those who participate.

I am glad to receive the following presents: wallet (top of my birthday present wish list), blue tooth (something I have hinted to everybody), sunnies (everybody knows that my old one has broken down *shy shy*), ang pow (yeah we all love that, thanks mummy), facial products, photo frame, pinot noir from Burgundy, and last but not the least, limited edition lord of the ring a.k.a. the ring that rules them all. Thank you everyone.

Steamboat session

P.S. Well done to my little friend in Ipoh. You didn’t quite make it to be the first to wish me happy birthday, but you are certainly the last at 11.59pm.

Monday, October 20, 2008


It is my understanding that guys are born with an antenna, that will present a major alert whenever an attractive opposite sex were spotted anywhere within eyesight distance. I used to possess a high tech State-of-the-art antenna that regularly provide valuable information to my peers with codes such as, `Nine O’clock’ or ‘Spotted, it’s an 8’.

My antenna was somehow rusted and not as alert as it used to be since some six or seven years ago. I didn’t quite realize that until I reunite with some of my old mates who have been doing a fine job constantly upgrading their aerial. I wonder if an overhaul is required.

Antenna is providing signals!
Antenna notification: Prey Spotted Eight O'clock!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Driving License

I'm back from a long two weeks journey. Unfortunately, my Malaysia driving license did not come back with me, probably left as a souvenir for the restaurant cleaning lady in a little town called Zhao Qing. I wonder if I can legally drive on the road for the time being as the card I lost is the 'extension' of expiry card rather than the original license.

Back, but without the driving license

Monday, October 13, 2008


The Spa centers in ShenZhen are awesome. If happen to drop by ShenZhen, I suggest you to forget about hotels and simply stay overnight at the Spa place. I would recommend the following two spa centers: "Sui Li Fang" and "Wang Shi Jia Ri". It could about RMB 88 and you can have a good place for shower, pool, sauna, free drinks, fruits, plus a very comfortable airplane-first-class type sofa to sleep overnight. If you choose a 2 hours and fifteen minutes massage, which cost RMB 270 (and they wave the original RMB 88), they can provide you an individual room to sleep overnight. It’s a lot more financial viable than a four stars hotel that cost no less than RMB 400. Girls need not be worry as they are as many female guests as guys.

One should be cautious when dealing with the word ‘Sauna’ in China, which could be very misleading. Some of saunas are identical to the spa center mentioned earlier, however, some are just pure whore house. It is quite difficult to differentiate from the outside or from the price menu. I wonder what would happen if some innocent foreigners walking in and being treated with special services. A surprise delight or shock to the death?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Blow Water

Chinese in China are all masters of blowing water a.k.a. bragging. It doesn’t take long for me to discount 90% of whatever they said, or in some cases a lot more than that. Judge it for yourself- building several houses and possess agency of several wineries will be translated to big time property developer, owning most of the wineries in Western Australia.

Another form of blowing water is to say what one would become if dot dot dot. For example, my father’s friend once told us that he would own 2/3rd of Cheras if he is 10 years younger. What a whole lot of crap. If I were to know what is going to happen exactly in the next ten years, I would be ashamed not the own 2/3rd of Malaysia. Yes, if.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mobile Phone

I have been doing some research on China made mobile phone lately. Those that particularly interest me are the one that can fit in two sim cards, its appearances are no different to a normal phone, yet with some (not all) PDA functions. They aren’t that costly either, at approximately RM 500 after conversion. I wonder how fragile it is and if I should buy one for my own birthday present.

P.S. Talking about birthday, the blog owner’s birthday is coming soon. I heard he needs a new phone, a new wallet, a new pair of shoes, a printer/fax/phone and others, please refer to:

Friday, October 3, 2008


One thing that I feel pretty good about during an overseas travel is that I am not obligated to driving and hence eliminated all the frustration that comes with it. Here are ten things I hate about driving:

10. Facing insane drivers with one hand on the horn prepare to show people that it still works.
9. Insane motorbike riders who will do whatever it takes to irritate others
8. Insane pedestrians who sincerely believe their grandfather own the road.
7. The holes, cracks and other obstructions on the road specially design to cause havoc.
6. Getting caught by police who frame you for something you didn’t do.
5. Being asked or forced to go to a place which I do not know the direction and end up getting lost.
4. Getting stuck in traffic jam.
3. Driving in heavy rain, particularly when you are looking for direction (refer to no 5), and usually end up getting stuck in traffic jam (refer to no 4).
2. Car petrol running low and no nearby petrol station noticeable.
1. Getting stuck in traffic jam in a heavy rain with little petrol in the tank and not aware of any nearby petrol station, whilst getting totally lost in the middle of no where (Referring to an event on 27th August 08).

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Its packing time, again.

I will be heading to China for almost two weeks (currently busy packing). This marks my 5th travelling (via flight) this year. If you need to reach me during the period, you may sms, email or facebook me (All phone calls will not be accepted).

Busy Packing
Its packing time, again..

Monday, September 29, 2008

Credit Card

I’m shocked to receive a phone call on a Sunday evening from the credit card company, asking if I have just purchased a RM2.3k air ticket from MAS. I don’t usually pick up a call whilst driving, but fortunately I did for this case. I wonder which idiotic credit card thief would illegally use it to buy airline ticket, as the passenger name shown in the ticket would no doubt be implicated.

An advise to the credit card thief, you can run but you can never run far enough.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


If someone is heading for a movie with a very low expectation amid discouragement from acquaintance, the outcome could often be surprisingly satisfactory. On the other hand, if someone attended a show with high prospect, the expectations are often difficult to fulfill. I wonder if the same principle applies to relationship and marriages.

In order to assist you to have greatest possible entertainment in theatres, I shall provide false rating on all the movies I have watched, thus don’t blame me for any false recommendations.

Don't watch Presto - the cartoon before Wall-E. Its no good (if you know what I'm saying).

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Sometimes an upgrade is not necessary for the better but instead inevitable as the previous version is simply not sustainable.

This new garden layout is neither cheaper nor exquisite. Its simply a necessary upgrade as portion of the grass simply cannot survive under the old design.

I wonder how often have I made advancement amid necessity rather than improvisation.

Old version New design
Old and New version of the garden

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Today’s schedule is to apply multiple entry visas to China in Chinese Embassy. I was totally shocked when I arrive the premises. It is so crowded that I couldn’t even get out of the lift. There are no less than fifty people at the lift area trying to get into the office and there are in excess of couple of thousand of people inside. What a shocker!

Does everybody just trying to get out of the country amid Sept-16th or are they just so impress with the Olympic that they couldn’t resist to visit the nation immediately? Nonetheless, I’ll make another attempt tomorrow morning. I realize most aunties generally know the ‘technique’ of queing and able to squeeze through the crowd to get things done quicker than others. For once I could really use an aunty.

Presto & his magic hat
I could really use a magic hat to avoid the crowd

Friday, September 12, 2008


Mosquitoes, my number one enemy of all time. I remember my childhood days when I was constantly harassed by mosquitoes on all part of the body, frequently on my two ears.

A quick mosquitoes cure and prevention guide for everyone:
Two best methods to cure mosquitoes’ bites- apply boiling hot water (my mum’s traditional secret method) and apply freezing ice (my dad’s formula). The best way to steer clear of getting targeted by mosquitoes – stand next to Johnny, an obvious preferred choice among the mosquitoes sisterhood.

My nightmare continues up till today, as I haven’t installed mosquitoes nets on the windows. My attempt to install the net has been pretty frustrating and not quite the results I anticipated. Volunteers needed. Anyone?

Alas mosquitoes! Kill kill kill!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Search Engines

Someone just told me that if I were to search for “Johnny Koo” under google search engine, my facebook account would appear in the first search results. If I were to search under yahoo search engine, then my friendster account will appear on the 4th search results. That’s pretty interesting. Problem is, however, would there be anybody searching for me through online portals.

I am generally pretty good in keeping contacts with people I have alias with in the past. The few people that I am still trying to locate are from my high school days when Internet and email account are not available. Mr. Sang Tat Yuen and Liu Zi Hao from Chong Hwa, where are you? I couldn’t find you through any means that I can think of. If you can hear me, please search for me in yahoo or google.

Here’s some of the ‘souvenirs’ I received lately. Aren’t they adorable?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Good bye

Today marks the last day of employment with the company. It has been almost four years, my longest employment with any company. I could never imagine myself working here for that long when I first join and I still can’t believe it now. I do admit that the first year of service has been rather enjoying but the feeling has been lost long ago. It is considered pretty long for this company and still relatively lengthy for any employment nowadays as employees these days preferred to choose the path of self-advancement via hopping jobs.

I choose an employment based on the opportunity for self-development. The day that opportunity diminishes is the day I should walk away.

P.S. Someone has used this pic for her blog. Sorry for the lack of originality.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Count down

Count down to leave the company has commenced with 3 days left to go. What do you celebrates in a count down? Celebrating a new beginning or an end? Aren’t they the same one may ask? Celebrating an end is to cheer for a good year or rejoicing an end to a disaster; whilst cheering for a new beginning comprises of hope and anticipation. Most people celebrate for the later I suppose, as everyone is too busy looking forward than reviewing the past.

I don’t usually go to count down party, whether it is New Year, Christmas, National Day or other self invented special day. Everybody loves celebrating and all these so call countdowns are just an excuse for them to have one.

P.S. We are also heading towards the count down stage for the opening of ‘Poppy Talk’. I heard they make good fake muffins. Lets go party at Poppy Talk.

Muffin for sale at Puppy Talk

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Server down

The office's server has gone completely haywire today. The Internet connection could not consistently maintain functioning. As a result, I constantly log in and out of msn messenger, which brought as much irritation to myself as everybody else with me in their friend list.

Similar to the server, my soar throat is also not feeling all that great recently amid moving of offices and lack of water consumption. Would be great if someone could deliver a “24 taste cooling tea with super Chinese medicine powder”.
(Now available at nearest Gong-He-Tang or Hua-Tuo-Guang at only RM 7!)

Need to consume 24 taste cooling tea with super Chinese medicine powder

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Relocation IV

This blog is written by an author who is hidden in a corner, with laptop on top of boxes yet to be unpacked. We are still in midst of relocation, which has been taking place for days, yet no tables, chairs or cabinets are available for anyone. Some silly bugger forecasts a ‘one-day’ plan for actual moving of furniture, yet we are not even close to fifty percent after a day and a half. Every other employees in the offices have master the technique of disappearing as their presence are not locatable in either of the two offices. I wonder who they learn the technique from?

Where's everbody else in the office?

Monday, August 25, 2008

Injuries II

I re-injured the same ankle that I did some two and a half months ago. This time it’s a genuine sports injury, rather than stepping on uneven ground whilst walking on the street. Lets pray that this rehabitation takes shorter time than the previous injuries.

The accident came from basketball yesterday amid a bad landing. Talking about basketball, brief scarce yesterday on USA Redeem Team that almost lost to Spain, a team they beat more than 30 points a week earlier. On the Olympic front, it’s finally over yesterday and I bet many including myself feeling sudden emptiness particularly after working hours.

Feeling emptiness after Olympic

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Relocation III

Day two of packing ended feeling frustration and helpless. There are mountains of junks to be settled. The nicest feeling of all this packing is to throw tones and tones of junks to the rubbish bin. It’s hard to imagine all these junks once contain vital information and were critical part of the organization.

I guess not all things last over the ages. Have any of your formerly good friends becoming strangers to you? What has happened? I can’t explain that but I can tell you what happened to the junks in the office. They still contain vital information. They are still critical part of the organization. Unfortunately they fell into the hand of a frustrated and helpless Johnny whose only enjoyment is to throw them to the rubbish bin. That's the a cruel reality.

One should never mess with the frustrated Johnny!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Relocation II

Day one of packing ended with medium level fatigue and minor soar back. All things need to be properly packed by day 4 and I am approximately one third done. I have yet to receive any abalone or shark fin as requested a week ago, thus the recovering process might be sluggish.

I never enjoy packing and its not because of the dirtiness or tiredness. I just don’t like the idea of realizing the fact that I have misplaced certain items that I perceive it’s still in the room ‘somewhere’. Some people just don’t like accepting the truth.

Arrrhhh. .couldn't find that stupid thing. Where is it?

Friday, August 15, 2008


Our office is relocating again in two weeks time. This is the second move in two consecutive years and ironically; there would be another move next year. Although I have resigned from the company, this relocation is within my notification period, thus I have no other options but to be involved in this move. I hope I can stay healthy in this transfer, as there was plenty including myself that have fallen in the last shift. Friends should treat me abalone or shark fin to improve my immunity for this relocation.

Gash! I just couldn’t run far enough from this problem.

Sucked-in on the new relocation date.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


I like to bet against the team I root for or the team I prefer to win. That case, if they lose, at least I'll get something back in return. If they win, however, I'll be happy to pay for the losing bets.

My latest bets include USA to win more golds than China in this Olympic and Malaysia will not win any medals in this Olympic. As long as the ball remains to be round, anything is possible (Alas! Badminton shuttle court is not round! God bless Malaysia).

Kirenenko vs Putin
Who do you root for?

Monday, August 11, 2008


The intention that I declared previous week was made known to the public. I did not receive a single enquire from the top management / owner of the company on my decision, as if it is expected and in a certain way anticipated. This strengthen my believe that the decision is absolutely correct. Ironically, it turns out that the only employment that I depart without feeling bad being the company I am with the longest.

On the bright side, I have finished reading “The Secret”. Basically learning “the secret” is a bit like disclosing the “Secret Ingredient" to Kung Fu Panda’s family’s noodle recipe. If you wish to know, come cook for me and I'll disclose to you the secret ingredient.

What's the recipe?
Do you know the recipe?

Friday, August 8, 2008


I have done it. I have finally declared my intention after having the cold feet for weeks. Despite outcome being inequitable to be measured in the near future, courage and determination should be recognizable in the journey to the ultimate destiny. It’s usually quite difficult to measure courage, as it would only illustrate during specific circumstances. It is an area that I openly admit that I am significantly lack off. In fact, the only courage I have that I am not ashamed of is the courage to admit I don’t have a great deal of it.

Finally out of the dead cell

I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear (Quote Nelson Mandela). Here’s a man who can survive 27 years in prison but could not last long enough in two of his marriages until his third at the age of 80. Now that is what we call Courage.

Pop quiz:
Who said, "Conquer your fear, and I promise you, you'll conquer death!"

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


The long awaited Olympic is only days away. I have been anticipating a gathering cum Olympic Opening Ceremony event for weeks.

A hypothetical question for all Malaysian Chinese. If a Malaysian bumiputra were to match up with a Chinese from China in the grand finals fighting for an Olympic gold medal, whom would you support? I will not be surprised to see you backing for the Malay. As much as we believed that Malay and Chinese do not see eye to eye on almost everything, our patriotism should not be underrated.

Olympic 2000
Johnny in Sydney Olympic yr 2000

Another hypothetical question. If Malaysia were having war with Singapore, what would you do? Would you join the army and defend the nation or would you take the first flight out of the country? Did anyone say something about patriotism?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Free Dinner

I don’t fancy those free event dinner sent by companies. Its time consuming, the food is too routine and you have to put on the same mask that you are wearing at work. I always wonder if the so call ‘work related entertainment’ really does entertain any of the two parties?

On the contrary, I love free dinner treated by friends, with the latest being great dinner in Dave sponsored by our good friend who bet on the wrong NBA team. The joy on my face justifies every single penny spent. If you don’t understand my concept, try treat me dinner twice; one on company’s account and another on own expenses. I’ll show you the difference.

Free Food

P.S. I still recall someone owing me a meal amid bets involving 7 wonders of the world that has been drag for over a year. You can run my friend but you can never run far enough. :)

Friday, August 1, 2008


Mark this date 8th of August 2008, the opening ceremony of Olympic in Beijing. Some claims to be an auspicious date amid the number of 8s, but many, particularly those with Feng-Sui background would believe otherwise.

On this day, five years earlier, I set foot in this country. On this day, five years later, a storm shall arise, the earthquake will be worsened and the cub finally disclose its intention to leave the herd.

The Storm is coming
The next wave of storm is coming

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sex & the City

Those who know me well enough probably can’t imagine myself watching this movie. Frankly, I find it hard to believe myself. However, if I were to say that someone treated me the movie along with a nice dinner then it would probably be acceptable. Nonetheless, it looks really weird seeing two straight men watching this movie together. After all, more than 75% of the audiences are female and the balances are either accompanying the other half or they must be those really sensitive type. It’s interesting to see how men and women have such different tastes. Another fascinating fact, Samantha, one of the four main female character in the movie, is reading the book “The Secret”, the exact same book that I am reading now. I guess we are not that different after all.

What Is The Secret

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Shoes & Ties

I have not been wearing a tie at work ever since several casual dressing colleagues join the organization. The days when I valued personal professional appearances and the company’s image on every little detail are long gone.

Ironically, I have been wearing the wrong shoes to work in the past two days. Nobody seems to be noticing or nobody seems to care. The question that one would be asking is why am I wearing the wrong shoes? Carelessness or a deliberate act of rebellious.

Future Dress Code
The new dresscode

Monday, July 28, 2008

Coming to town

Oh! You better watch out, You better not cry, You better not pout, I'm telling you why: Prison Bunny is coming to town!

(Now available at your nearest S&J Gift & Collection Shop)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Ancient Tree

The Ancient Tree
(Photo taken in Basildene Manor in Margaret River in July 08)

Here's one really big aged tree located next to the entrance of a genuinely old mansion. I really like this tree but haven’t got a clue what type of tree it is (especially during winter). Can anyone help me?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Lion for Lamb

The silly lambIf a young cub were not capable of catching its own pray, a wise advice is for him to stay and share food with a herd of lamb until he gets stronger. Hypothetically, the day never arrives (or it could be interesting seeing a lion gaining strength via chewing grass). The puzzled cubAs the day goes by, the cub would gradually disregard its vision and potential and its fear into the outback has widened. Here’s a timely question that is puzzling the cub: what is more hazardous? Thrown into the wild outback or into a herd of lamb?

The hazardous outback
(The Hazardous Wild Outback)

2025 Anniversary Meal At Home

The kids and I prepared a surprised anniversary dinner for mummy/wifey. Food include: Oven cooked Lamb leg, air fryer cooked sausage, Cold c...