Friday, October 3, 2008


One thing that I feel pretty good about during an overseas travel is that I am not obligated to driving and hence eliminated all the frustration that comes with it. Here are ten things I hate about driving:

10. Facing insane drivers with one hand on the horn prepare to show people that it still works.
9. Insane motorbike riders who will do whatever it takes to irritate others
8. Insane pedestrians who sincerely believe their grandfather own the road.
7. The holes, cracks and other obstructions on the road specially design to cause havoc.
6. Getting caught by police who frame you for something you didn’t do.
5. Being asked or forced to go to a place which I do not know the direction and end up getting lost.
4. Getting stuck in traffic jam.
3. Driving in heavy rain, particularly when you are looking for direction (refer to no 5), and usually end up getting stuck in traffic jam (refer to no 4).
2. Car petrol running low and no nearby petrol station noticeable.
1. Getting stuck in traffic jam in a heavy rain with little petrol in the tank and not aware of any nearby petrol station, whilst getting totally lost in the middle of no where (Referring to an event on 27th August 08).

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