Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Count down

Count down to leave the company has commenced with 3 days left to go. What do you celebrates in a count down? Celebrating a new beginning or an end? Aren’t they the same one may ask? Celebrating an end is to cheer for a good year or rejoicing an end to a disaster; whilst cheering for a new beginning comprises of hope and anticipation. Most people celebrate for the later I suppose, as everyone is too busy looking forward than reviewing the past.

I don’t usually go to count down party, whether it is New Year, Christmas, National Day or other self invented special day. Everybody loves celebrating and all these so call countdowns are just an excuse for them to have one.

P.S. We are also heading towards the count down stage for the opening of ‘Poppy Talk’. I heard they make good fake muffins. Lets go party at Poppy Talk.

Muffin for sale at Puppy Talk


Unknown said...

It's cupcake!! not fake muffin!!

Stephanie JM Ng said...

haha... what's the different between muffin n cupcake?
but there looks lovely...

Johnny Koo said...

Please refer to June 18th's posting - you already admit it is a muffin. So make sure you sell it as muffin. :)

Anonymous said...

it's muffin!! (ps: was forced by a monster)

Unknown said...

Cupcake has lovely topping on it... which muffin is just plain wit nothing on it. so... please call it cupcake.

Stephanie JM Ng said...

it's muffin (*forced to comment)

Anonymous said...

ah ha...normally i love the muffin with chocolate chipsss..and this look sp cute and like between cupcake and muffin...

eemmm... so, shall we call them as muff-cake? wahahaha

and "PoppyTalk Beauty Owner" will award every one here to have one of them... :)

( btw, hv to name it as MUFFIN some1 FORCE n INSTRUCTED ) :P

Johnny Koo said...

Ok. conclusion.. 4 vs 1 Muffin wins :)

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