Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Year 2008

This would be the last entry for year 2008. I compiled a list of eleven resolutions back in January this year. Some think I am too ambitious whilst others have doubts that I would follow my detail plan. I have, however, been reviewing the resolution and keeping track of the progress on a weekly basis for the entire year. Today my report card shows that four of the eleven resolutions are successful realized, two are progressing well but not fully pull off, whilst the other five yet to accomplished. I shall have similar if not an even more detailed plan for year 2009.

Ready for a run at year 2009
Polishing my shoes and preparing for a run at year 2009


Anonymous said...

yeh 2008 is overed, 2009 is starting!!

use the power of attraction, power of simplify, power of believing..
then all you Fat Dat Planssss sure can come true!!

All the Best For 2009== to you and all you blog fansssss.. :)

Stephanie JM Ng said...

thank you thank you.... all the best to you too... :P

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