Thursday, August 28, 2008

Server down

The office's server has gone completely haywire today. The Internet connection could not consistently maintain functioning. As a result, I constantly log in and out of msn messenger, which brought as much irritation to myself as everybody else with me in their friend list.

Similar to the server, my soar throat is also not feeling all that great recently amid moving of offices and lack of water consumption. Would be great if someone could deliver a “24 taste cooling tea with super Chinese medicine powder”.
(Now available at nearest Gong-He-Tang or Hua-Tuo-Guang at only RM 7!)

Need to consume 24 taste cooling tea with super Chinese medicine powder


Anonymous said...

"24 taste cooling tea"... 超记 don have woh!! u try call 1300-13-1300 mc-donald!! may be they have...

Anonymous said...

" 24 mei liong cha + wong lo gat + ho yan ho + kuk fa cha " all are available in town now...

there will be some 1 willing to deliver for you provided you belanja back with the Abolone Tin or Shark Fin for Cuci Mulut lo...

( good bartering system ) haha :)

2025 Anniversary Meal At Home

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