Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Its packing time, again.

I will be heading to China for almost two weeks (currently busy packing). This marks my 5th travelling (via flight) this year. If you need to reach me during the period, you may sms, email or facebook me (All phone calls will not be accepted).

Busy Packing
Its packing time, again..


ming said...

wish u a safe & fruitful trip. Pls remember sou sou souvenir hehe

Johnny Koo said...

Wah.. look at the sun..

Anonymous said...

22!! 29!!
but the most important number is 19!!

2025 Anniversary Meal At Home

The kids and I prepared a surprised anniversary dinner for mummy/wifey. Food include: Oven cooked Lamb leg, air fryer cooked sausage, Cold c...