Saturday, November 8, 2008


Saman, a.k.a. wedding invitation is one side effect of having many friends and is inevitable as your acquaintances (and yourself) getting closer to the age of marriage. I have three saman next month; all fall within the week actually, so it must be some sort of auspicious date. A friend told me my three saman are nothing compares to her seven. Anybody has more than her?

Woo.. Saman...
Wooo! Saman!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

U still have the most...
ppl say 7 in 3 months, n u go and change to 1 mth..

"Orange cant compare to Apple", is different..

So 7 in 3 mths, urs 3 in 1 mth.
U still honour to be "Saman King" =p

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