Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Penang Bridge VR 2021


Second attempt of Half Marathon in three weeks. This time is a great success. Final time of 2 hour 6 minutes and 1 second including resting/drinking time. This is the goal I set by end of last year. A year of hard work has finally pay off. Route is very flat and was the actual Marathon route for SEA games. My pace is very consistent throughout the full race and I guess the strategy works out fine. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

KL Std Chart HM VR 2021


This is a difficult challenge indeed. First I set a high target time of 2hr 6min (or pace of 6/km). Secondly, I am not familiar with the route and the route has a bit more accent or hill than the route outside my house. However, it looks more like the real race, particularly with the crowd and other runners with similar objective.

The final result is not bad, although I am doing really good in the first 12km and really bad in the last 8km. Heart beat is sky rocket. In conclusion, I need to have more long distance training run of at least 15km. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Ghost 13

It is time to bid farewell to Ghost 12, who just retired a week ago following a respectable 585km career. 

We welcome our new member of the family- Ghost 13. Bought at RM 219 (11 months old shoes at Lazada 11.11 sale). Runrepeat rating of 91. Can't wait to test you out.

Friday, August 13, 2021

Wine Tasting 2021

 Haven't have a decent wine tasting for a long time due to Covid.

These wines are different and definitely worth your time trying. 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Brooks Glycerine

 Welcome the arrival of Brooks Glycerine 17.

Yes it probably won't help you achieve a PB, however, it feels like running on 'bed' and you just can't stop! 

Saturday, July 10, 2021

Millennium Falcon Puzzle

Feeling bored amid the Enhanced Movement Control Order? Let's build a Millenium Falcon Puzzle!

Good Job Hong Yi. 

Thursday, July 1, 2021

My Running Shoes

 1. Nike Zoom Fly 3

Purpose: Speed + Lighter + Swing Effect

Weight: 252g

Best Result: 10k (5'32)

Date of Purchase: Dec' 20

Current Status- Active (~33%)

2. Saucony Cohersion 12

Purpose: Budget +  Cushioning

Weight: 264g

Date of Purchase: Dec'20

Current Status- Semi Retired (~98%)

3. Ghost SE 12

Purpose: Cushioning

Weight: 294g

Date of Purchase: Apr'21

Current Status- Active (~43%)

4. Under Armour HOVR Sonic 3

Purpose: Responsive + Speed
Weight: 289g

Best Result: HM (6'12)

Date of Purchase: Jun'21

Current Status- Active (~7%)



Sonic. It produces the best result and its cheap. 


Ghost. Not because it produce the best result or best value. Simply because it is the most beautiful shoes among all. Look does matter right?


Fly 3. Its Nike and its Carbon Plate. It has plenty of potential however, maybe the runner is just not good enough.

Next Shoes (Coming Soon)

5. Ghost Glycerin 17

Date of Purchase: Jul'21

Purpose: Cushioning

Monday, June 21, 2021

Air Selangor Half Marathon VR


Great run. New Personal Best. 2 hour 11 min 40 seconds (or pace of 6.12/km).

Great Points during the Run

- Heart rate is under control through out the run with only 3% in Zone 5.

- Pace below Target (6.15/km) and did not need to push to limit. 

Issues noticed during the Run

- Muscle etc. feeling sore and uncomfortable after 17km mark. Sign of insufficient long distance training.

Another half marathon by end of the year and target below 2 hour 10 min mark perhaps?

Thursday, June 17, 2021

VO2 Max


VO2 Max is up to 51, however, not sure how long it could last. 

Following my last record of 50 back in February, it has dropped to around 48 and it took me 4 months to increase one more notch. That's not easy at all. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Medal Rack


Displaying all the medals we have as a family. Ain't it cool?

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Jeju Run 2021

Well I couldn't break my own personal best amid numerous issue during the run (such as tight hamstring in 2km mark that last for about one km, high heart rate at near 7-8km mark, blister at left toes near end of 10km mark), however, it is still my second best record ever. 56min and 3 seconds and pace of 5.33 min/km. 


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Chinese Poem

 Thanks to a sudden visit from a mouse, the following poem was composed by myself.





It is then edited by Shyne Loong





It is then subsequently modified by Suyi





and further improvised to





Which is your favourite?

Monday, May 24, 2021


Completed the Worldwide Run whilst achieving my Personal Best for Both 5km and 10km. 

(5km record now is 27min20 second, and 10km record now is 55min18second)

Average pace is 5.32/km, that's better than my target of 5.40/km.

Still, I only rank around 11,000 of the 28,000+ runners.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Upcoming Virtual Run

With the renewed MCO 3.0 and never ending Covid worry therefore never ending postponed races, Virtual Run appears to be the only available option.

Here are the confirmed Virtual Run that I am participating over the next few months.

1. NN Running Team 10.5km Run (Mid May)

2. Air Selangor Half Marathon Run (Jun)

3. Teo Chew Association 7km Run (Mid Jun)

4. Neon Half Marathon Run (Mid July)

5. Jeju Run (Mid Jun)

The big question is, are we running for self achievement? Health? or the T-shirt & Medal?

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

When is the Best Time to Run?


Morning or evening. Both has its merits. When should you run? Well, don't talk as though you can choose. We always have difficulties waking up super early in the morning and the evening always rain. In short, we have no choice. Just run la!

Friday, April 16, 2021

Wine Dinner at Fellini

Wine dinner at Fellini. 

Featuring a better than expected Cold Cuts,  a bigger than expected Pasta, an American Size meats and delicious desert. Featuring six wines (eight bottles). Best wine of the evening- Marques De Vargas Gran Reserva. 

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Natural Wine Tasting 2021

 Alright. Its time for Wine Tasting again. Natural Wine that is.

Most wines are acceptable, however, none are outstanding. Minotaureo 2017 is the best in this tasting whilst Varetuo, Pvrvlio blanc and Rubaiyat are worth mentioning. 

2025 Anniversary Meal At Home

The kids and I prepared a surprised anniversary dinner for mummy/wifey. Food include: Oven cooked Lamb leg, air fryer cooked sausage, Cold c...