Monday, October 19, 2015


What do you do when the girl sitting next to your table, and the following table, and the table after that (i.e. 3 in a row) all wearing the same design of clothes? Answer- Quickly go shopping for clothes with the same design! It’s the latest trend and you don’t want to miss out! Haha.

Monday, August 17, 2015

HY 4th Birthday

Time flies. HY is 4 years old. We brought him to the Farm in the City. HY is ok with rabbit and turtle but not other farm animals. HX seems to be having more fun and little bit more aggressive to all other animals including birds and chicks.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Little Gym

Today is HY’s last class in the Little Gym. He has attended this class for 9 months, following his fifteen months class in Shisida. There are some pros and cons sending kids to the Little Gym, but overall I would say HY loves it, and parents have some good time too. However, it is time to move on to the next phase. What would be next? Music lesson? Reading class?

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Lost and Found

We lost two toy cars a week ago and couldn’t find it no matter how. We lost another two cars this week and that trigger my anger as I couldn’t believe I couldn’t locate all these missing items. After a hard search, I finally found some of the items – not this week’s lost items, but last week’s lost items instead. Guess who is responsible for this action? Monster under the bed. No really, it’s found under a bed, a place you almost thought the bed is lying on top of the floor.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

Water Leaking

The Water Leaking Issue in my house is absolutely driving me crazy! I have gotten advise from five so call experts. Each has its problem.

Contractor 1: The-White-Stick. Its not the first time I employ this contractor, however, they are absolutely terrible. Telling me it is due to a burst in the main pipe and cost RM 1,700 to fix. This is absolutely the worst possible reason one can give. Probably work if the customer is 2 years old cause a three year old knows it is not possible.

Contractor 2: The-Borrow-Pee. The contractor who fix our leaking water two years ago. They basically say they don't know whats going on and will look into it next week. The following week they will say next week. And then the same the following week. Same thing happen for 3 months.

Contractor 3: The-Great-Shark. Recommended by a mutual friend, this is worst of all. Sound and look professional and 100% confident that the leaking is due to flooring and that it cost RM 4,700 to fix a small portion of toilet. Worst thing of all is they are wrong despite being 100% confident.

Contractor 4: The Honest Apprentice. A young boy who able to realise the actual problem. A small problem actually and cost much less than the previous few contractors. Problem is he wasn't as skillful to fix it in one go.

Contractor 5: The young fellow. Very similar to contractor 4. Able to identify the real problem but I didn't select him because he simply looks too young and inexperience.

Anyway, the problem persist as of today and god knows when it will be fix for good.

Friday, June 19, 2015

GOT:- John Snow is dead (or is he?)

So the George has decided to kill John Snow, probably the most interesting character in the show. Lets kill Tyrion next, follow by Daenery, then Arya. You know what, lets kill the dragon too. I know you are not going to kill Sam cause he sure does look like you :)

So is John Snow really dead? Maybe he is to be resurrected. Maybe he wargs into Ghost. Maybe he is indeed Azor Ahai or maybe he really is dead. Nobody knows which theory is real but everyone knows one thing for sure- John Snow knows nothing. :)

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Wine Exhibition Part 2

Tasted more than 300 wines over three days in the Exhibition in Singapore. The following wines gave me the most impression. They may not be the most expensive, but the most unique in my mind.

Probably the best Malbec in the world (from Cahors). Extremely expensive for a Malbec. Price equavalent to some Grand Cru from Burgundy.

The little can wine is cute. The taste is surprisingly acceptable.

Wine makers are ladies. Pretty too. Vines are surrounded with flowers, lavenders. The wine is very feminine. Very floral and very unique. Smells like flower wine.

Tasted many great Piedmont wine but for some reason I just like whatever wines produced by this producer- from Barbera to Dolchetto to to Nebbiolo to Barolo.

One of the best Italian wines tasted in this trip. I even requested a sample for this wine.

I didn't get to taste some really great Burgundy White this trip. These are ok only.

I particularly like the last Burgundy Red- Chateau De Santenay Beaune Premier Cru.

A good Spanish wines from Ribera Del Duero. Can you see my reflection in the bottle?

Wine Exhibition Part 1

I have the pleasure of going to several exhibition in the last month. Wines worthy of remembrance in the first exhibition are as follow:
A 1981 White Wine from Burgundy. Still very special and distinct on the nose. Bit weaker in the mouth but it is still very special to be still drinkable in such old vintage.

All these wines are so great (particularly the Grand Crus) that it makes the Vosne Romanee Premier Cru taste like an ordinary wine. My gosh! I particularly enjoy La Grande Rue and Clos de Vouge

Turtle Soup

I always love to promote Malaysian food as opposed to Singaporean food, citing Singaporean food to be the 'clean' version of Malaysian food; therefore very similar, cleaner but less tasty and at a much higher cost.

The last meal I have in Singapore in the last trip is this Turtle Herbal Soup. With the addition of some herbal alcohol, this soup is very delicious. Its very pricey however, equivalent to RM 50 per bowl/meal therefore will never exist in Malaysia. Nonetheless, if you are going to Singapore and going to spent a lot in any meal anyway, then you should probably give this place a try.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Same Sound Same Air

Despite having hundreds of participants from all over the world but only 4 Malaysian who don't know each other, why do the four Malaysian end up spending the few days of exhibition together majority of the time? Particularly when they are suppose to be competitors? I can only presume that they are friendly competitors who emphasis on the word friendly. We can also describe it as 同声同气。

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Game of Thrones

For some reason I knew Arya Stark wouldn't get rid of Needle? Why?
Answer 1: Vengence. King Joffrey, Ser Amory, The Ticklr, Polliver, Ser Gregor, Wees, Chiswyck, Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, Queen Cersei, Dunsen, Raff the Sweetling, the Hound, House Frey. This is Arya Stark's destiny.
Answer 2: She has a thing for John Snow. Pretty sick view and too much brother sister love would make the show too predictable. Still doesn't look right even if they are only cousins.


Thursday, April 2, 2015


We all heard of the phrase "You can't hit the whole ship of passenger with a single stick". Although I had bad experience dealing with our friendly-ethnic (Malay) business man in the past, (as they pretend to sell us D24 Durian with fake-kampung durian, which I referred as D23 durian), we should treat others fairly. After all, they are different people and in different business. However, a recent experience has teach me a new lesson. Different people from similar educational background, similar culture, similar growing environment, similar government, similar religion, similar everything; are likely to behave similarly. One stick can in deed hit a whole ship of passenger, if they all que up nicely in a line praying for the stick to fall.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Movies / TV

There will be plenty of good shows, both on the big screen and tv coming up this month. First we have the most anticipated movie of the year - Fast & Furious 7. Whether it is great or not, it will be the last. Then we have Entourage the movie. I have been waiting for very long. I am not sure if it will be shown in Malaysia Cinema, but I hope I can download it somewhere. On the TV front, we have Game of Thrones Season 5. Very much looking forward to this too.

Oh yeah there's one more movie that I long for- Ted 2, but it won't be available until June. Lets hope there won't be any delay in screening.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Good Cop Bad Cop

The previous generation of raising kids are based on the "Good Cop Bad Cop" policy. Father being the bad cop- strict and persistent. Mother being the good cop- caring & sensitive. The product is what we referred as the X Generation. The next generation however, are being raised on a different policy- a "Good cop Scared Cop" policy. The Mother's policy remain unchanged whilst the father's position has been slightly altered- from being strict and persistent to Scary. Its not the kids are there scared of the father however, but the father that is scared of the mother's criticism if he chose to be strict and fierce to the kids. It appears that the approach is no longer acceptable in the new age. The final results? We'll know soon as the new product - Z Generation is out to the shelf soon.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Its been a while since I last got on fire on the basketball court. Happens today, thanks to a morning session shoot around. I hit plenty of shots at high percentage, including couple of three point shot and also a stretch of several jump shot around 18 foot in a row. I had a couple of bad fall today, however, I got straight up almost immediately after the fall. I feel like I was young again, however, until later that evening as the pain and sore start kicking in, I am back to reality. Ouch...

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Sleeping Hours

Hardly have sufficient sleep in the past week or so as the whole family is taking turn to get sick. There are couple of days in which I have barely two hours sleep. The mi-band statistic tells the story:-


There are many surviving modes one must master to be a parent. One of the many untold secret is to know how to avoid mines field, even in the dark. The mines are random and totally unpredictable, range from any size and any materials.

An example of small mines field:-

Monday, February 16, 2015

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary Number 4 of hopefully unlimited, till the day we die. Instead of being eventful, we choose to spend most of the day sitting in the restaurant. Guess we prefer to reserved our energy on something else; or should we say we haven't got the stamina to participate in more exciting events. Luckily we are pretty happy with the restaurant we chose- D'italiane Kitchen @ Paradigm Mall. Great Ambience, good food, fair pricing. Its so comfortable that we spent more than three hours in one place.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Accident on Road

There are plenty of accidents on road lately, particularly those involving big truck. I just happened to witness one of such event. I hope the driver is alright.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Mi-Band 2

After wearing the band for 9 days, I have successfully achieved my target of walking at least 8,000 steps a day for NINE consecutive days. I even hit up to 12,000 steps on certain days. Nobody can keep the winning streak forever, therefore I am taking the opportunity to show off a little bit.

On the down side, my sleeping hours have been poor. 3 to 6 hours is the range and 7 is the luxury I no longer have.

Saturday, January 17, 2015


We just got ourselves a mi-band each for our early Valentine's Present. Pretty cheap at RM 75. I am not sure if the 'calculation' of steps, and calories burnt etc. do any good but the ability to detect phone call and notifications sure help people like myself who often miss a phone call. Otherwise should all purposes fail to reach its target, the fashion sure impress ourselves if not others.

Friday, January 16, 2015


Greetings are an important manner that one should possess. HY, age 3 and a half, however, just doesn't like to greet people. He never greet to his grandparent, not to his teacher, and now, not even to his own father.

Got to teach him before its too late.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Basketball Shoe

My basketball shoes is officially K.O. I bought the shoes before the birth of HY, i.e. its close to four years. That's really long compared to my Uni days, in which most of my basketball shoes couldn't even last a year.
I just realised I never bought Nike Basketball shoes in my life. I had tried Reebok, Adidas and even Converse but not Nike Basketball Shoes. I had Nike running shoes, Nike Climbing Hill shoes, but not Nike basketball shoes. Perhaps its time to buy a Nike Basketball shoes?

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Who am I

Happy New Year everyone! Wish everyone has a great 2014 and a better 2015.

To brighten up the day for everyone, please participate some funny questions.

Who am I?

How about me?

Look who wants piece of the action?

Guess what was I doing?

2025 Anniversary Meal At Home

The kids and I prepared a surprised anniversary dinner for mummy/wifey. Food include: Oven cooked Lamb leg, air fryer cooked sausage, Cold c...