Sunday, April 5, 2009

Wrong column

Alas! Someone put my photo in the newspaper. I would gladly announce to the world if it’s the news about me saving the world or rated businessman of the year. Unfortunately, it’s the column for the youngster (age 18-25) and I am only about ten years too late for that. Guess I should have informed that to do some touchup on the photo or block the age section haha :P


sin chew reader said...

my cystal ball told me there will be some Star Agentssss spoted u to be in "Super Star competition"..u can sign up n try ur luck!!! wahahaha...

Ultraman said...

but if im not mistaken, the Super Star Competition max age is 25 woh...

China Tour 2024- Day 8: Shangri-La -> Li Jiang

Day 8 of the trip commence with a visit to the Songzanlin Monastery (and Museum). This is suppose to be the main attraction for Shangri-la, ...