Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I have been very sick for almost a week now with terrible coughing and scorching soar throat that disturb my daily activity and sleep. Great appreciation to those who show concern on my health. I hope this sickness is not as bad as my last cough about a year ago, which took approximately two months plus for recovery and pass the germ to no less than 6 people and to as far as Melaka.

If one’s life is so hectic that he or she never has a chance to sit down and think, then being sick occasionally may not be such a bad idea. You may figure out what is meaning of life?

P.S. I always wonder why the Chinese medicine disapproves one from taking chicken and egg if they have bad cough. What's the rational behind this?

Geng Dong Nim Chi Ngan, Chun Pui Pei Pa Tong
Anti cough sweets: Geng Dong Nim Chi Ngan, Chun Pui Pei Pa Tong

Thursday, October 23, 2008


I have my birthday celebration in the last few days. The number of attendees in my birthday steamboat session is overwhelming. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for those who organise the gathering (i.e. superwoman and super-pork), and those who participate.

I am glad to receive the following presents: wallet (top of my birthday present wish list), blue tooth (something I have hinted to everybody), sunnies (everybody knows that my old one has broken down *shy shy*), ang pow (yeah we all love that, thanks mummy), facial products, photo frame, pinot noir from Burgundy, and last but not the least, limited edition lord of the ring a.k.a. the ring that rules them all. Thank you everyone.

Steamboat session

P.S. Well done to my little friend in Ipoh. You didn’t quite make it to be the first to wish me happy birthday, but you are certainly the last at 11.59pm.

Monday, October 20, 2008


It is my understanding that guys are born with an antenna, that will present a major alert whenever an attractive opposite sex were spotted anywhere within eyesight distance. I used to possess a high tech State-of-the-art antenna that regularly provide valuable information to my peers with codes such as, `Nine O’clock’ or ‘Spotted, it’s an 8’.

My antenna was somehow rusted and not as alert as it used to be since some six or seven years ago. I didn’t quite realize that until I reunite with some of my old mates who have been doing a fine job constantly upgrading their aerial. I wonder if an overhaul is required.

Antenna is providing signals!
Antenna notification: Prey Spotted Eight O'clock!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Driving License

I'm back from a long two weeks journey. Unfortunately, my Malaysia driving license did not come back with me, probably left as a souvenir for the restaurant cleaning lady in a little town called Zhao Qing. I wonder if I can legally drive on the road for the time being as the card I lost is the 'extension' of expiry card rather than the original license.

Back, but without the driving license

Monday, October 13, 2008


The Spa centers in ShenZhen are awesome. If happen to drop by ShenZhen, I suggest you to forget about hotels and simply stay overnight at the Spa place. I would recommend the following two spa centers: "Sui Li Fang" and "Wang Shi Jia Ri". It could about RMB 88 and you can have a good place for shower, pool, sauna, free drinks, fruits, plus a very comfortable airplane-first-class type sofa to sleep overnight. If you choose a 2 hours and fifteen minutes massage, which cost RMB 270 (and they wave the original RMB 88), they can provide you an individual room to sleep overnight. It’s a lot more financial viable than a four stars hotel that cost no less than RMB 400. Girls need not be worry as they are as many female guests as guys.

One should be cautious when dealing with the word ‘Sauna’ in China, which could be very misleading. Some of saunas are identical to the spa center mentioned earlier, however, some are just pure whore house. It is quite difficult to differentiate from the outside or from the price menu. I wonder what would happen if some innocent foreigners walking in and being treated with special services. A surprise delight or shock to the death?

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Blow Water

Chinese in China are all masters of blowing water a.k.a. bragging. It doesn’t take long for me to discount 90% of whatever they said, or in some cases a lot more than that. Judge it for yourself- building several houses and possess agency of several wineries will be translated to big time property developer, owning most of the wineries in Western Australia.

Another form of blowing water is to say what one would become if dot dot dot. For example, my father’s friend once told us that he would own 2/3rd of Cheras if he is 10 years younger. What a whole lot of crap. If I were to know what is going to happen exactly in the next ten years, I would be ashamed not the own 2/3rd of Malaysia. Yes, if.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Mobile Phone

I have been doing some research on China made mobile phone lately. Those that particularly interest me are the one that can fit in two sim cards, its appearances are no different to a normal phone, yet with some (not all) PDA functions. They aren’t that costly either, at approximately RM 500 after conversion. I wonder how fragile it is and if I should buy one for my own birthday present.

P.S. Talking about birthday, the blog owner’s birthday is coming soon. I heard he needs a new phone, a new wallet, a new pair of shoes, a printer/fax/phone and others, please refer to:

Friday, October 3, 2008


One thing that I feel pretty good about during an overseas travel is that I am not obligated to driving and hence eliminated all the frustration that comes with it. Here are ten things I hate about driving:

10. Facing insane drivers with one hand on the horn prepare to show people that it still works.
9. Insane motorbike riders who will do whatever it takes to irritate others
8. Insane pedestrians who sincerely believe their grandfather own the road.
7. The holes, cracks and other obstructions on the road specially design to cause havoc.
6. Getting caught by police who frame you for something you didn’t do.
5. Being asked or forced to go to a place which I do not know the direction and end up getting lost.
4. Getting stuck in traffic jam.
3. Driving in heavy rain, particularly when you are looking for direction (refer to no 5), and usually end up getting stuck in traffic jam (refer to no 4).
2. Car petrol running low and no nearby petrol station noticeable.
1. Getting stuck in traffic jam in a heavy rain with little petrol in the tank and not aware of any nearby petrol station, whilst getting totally lost in the middle of no where (Referring to an event on 27th August 08).

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Its packing time, again.

I will be heading to China for almost two weeks (currently busy packing). This marks my 5th travelling (via flight) this year. If you need to reach me during the period, you may sms, email or facebook me (All phone calls will not be accepted).

Busy Packing
Its packing time, again..

2025 Anniversary Meal At Home

The kids and I prepared a surprised anniversary dinner for mummy/wifey. Food include: Oven cooked Lamb leg, air fryer cooked sausage, Cold c...