Monday, June 21, 2021

Air Selangor Half Marathon VR


Great run. New Personal Best. 2 hour 11 min 40 seconds (or pace of 6.12/km).

Great Points during the Run

- Heart rate is under control through out the run with only 3% in Zone 5.

- Pace below Target (6.15/km) and did not need to push to limit. 

Issues noticed during the Run

- Muscle etc. feeling sore and uncomfortable after 17km mark. Sign of insufficient long distance training.

Another half marathon by end of the year and target below 2 hour 10 min mark perhaps?

Thursday, June 17, 2021

VO2 Max


VO2 Max is up to 51, however, not sure how long it could last. 

Following my last record of 50 back in February, it has dropped to around 48 and it took me 4 months to increase one more notch. That's not easy at all. 

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Medal Rack


Displaying all the medals we have as a family. Ain't it cool?

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Jeju Run 2021

Well I couldn't break my own personal best amid numerous issue during the run (such as tight hamstring in 2km mark that last for about one km, high heart rate at near 7-8km mark, blister at left toes near end of 10km mark), however, it is still my second best record ever. 56min and 3 seconds and pace of 5.33 min/km. 


Wednesday, June 2, 2021

2025 Anniversary Meal At Home

The kids and I prepared a surprised anniversary dinner for mummy/wifey. Food include: Oven cooked Lamb leg, air fryer cooked sausage, Cold c...