Monday, January 23, 2017


Hundred steps after meal and you will be strong and healthy.

We did just that over the last weekend. As we look up the sky, we saw no others but Orion Constellation. It is the very first time HY saw Orion in the sky and he is so excited after seeing it so many times in the book and in his toy torchlight. He was so excited that he kept shouting Orion Belt and Rigel (the foot of the hunter).

Hang on, there is a brighter star below Rigel that caught our eyes. Who is that? Yes! That is Sirius and it happened to be very nearby.

Wait wait wait. There is another much brighter star on the other side of the sky. Its so bright that it looks like a spot light shinning at us. What do you think it is? Yupe.. its not a star and it is definitely not a plane.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Walk and Sleep

After using Mi-Band2 since mid of November, a full month of data (month of December) is now available. Average sleeping of 6hours 16 minutes per day and walking of 7,137 steps per day. My target is sleeping 6 hours 30 minutes per day and 8,000 steps per day. Walk more and sleep more :)

How to avoid Neck injuries

Tips on how to avoid neck injuries.

1/ Change your pillow
2/ Change your sleeping method
3/ Stop looking at your computer/handphone downwards
4/ Exercise your neck
5/ Have a smaller head
Follow the tips (particularly number 5) and you will do fine.

2025 Anniversary Meal At Home

The kids and I prepared a surprised anniversary dinner for mummy/wifey. Food include: Oven cooked Lamb leg, air fryer cooked sausage, Cold c...