Friday, December 26, 2014

While you are sleeping

Beware. You may be "assault" while you are asleep.

First up, your beauty nap may attract a very naughty Sunny Twins

The next thing you know, Reddish Twins want part of the action too.

Cupipi joins in

Wait up. Here comes Tow Mater, Big Reddish Twins, Gween and everybody else.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Gone Girl

Gone Girl is freaking good; highlight, bold, underline the word "freaking". There are plenty of horror movies that gave me a fright but this movie, it terrors me to my bones. That usually happen when I watch movies in relates to Sociapath.

P.S. Sensational performance from Rosamund! Ben, you are good too. You can't act Emily, but you're still the best.

What are you thinking, Amy? The question I've asked most often during our marriage, if not out loud, if not to the person who could answer. I suppose these questions stormcloud over every marriage. (Quote: Gone Girl)

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Water Park

Morib versus Melaka versus Port Dickson. Who has the best water park within the hotel premises? All three is about 1.5-2 hours drive from our house therefore location is not the main issue. It appears that Morib has the most crowd and probably slightly more expensive than the other two, though its hotel's quality is also slightly more supreme than the others. It is also adjacent to the beach, although the beach isn't really clean or beautiful and is rarely visited by anyone. Port Dickson Water Park is probably most suitable for younger kids, as in kids below 7 years old and is HY preferred choice and I can fully understood why. Its the place who probably revisit in near future and not Morib.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Big Bad Wolf

The Big Bad Wolf Book Sales are really BIG and CRAZILY Priced. Its absolutely no joking when it says books are on sale 70% off. I bought 2 fiction book (at RM 10 and RM 12 each when they are usually RM 30+), 2 wine books (at RM 12 and RM 20 - again usually around RM 50), 1 CD book (at RM 6 for 6 CD!) and tones of children story, action & exercise book. I bet I can buy three times this amount if I brought a trolley along and that I have more time to shop.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Medal Performance

Hong Yi just received his first ever medal in the Little Gym. His performance in the “performance night” is absolutely brilliant and way beyond our expectations. It seems like he is really aware of this “performance night” and has been, as a matter of fact, practicing the few nights before the big day. Actually now that I think of it, almost all children have an above-par or on-par performance. All the three years old kids seems to be aware and fully prepared for the big day. Don’t ever underestimate the power of a 3-year-old kid.

Check out my monkey swing. My balancing rocks. Now that's my first ever medal in my life. Plenty more to come. I vow to beat my mummy one day.

Christmas 2014

Christmas is around the corner and the only way we can feel the festival in Malaysia is to go to Shopping Mall. The first that we went to over the weekend is Sunway Pyramid. It wasn't as good as expected, however, the only reason we are here is because its near to our house.

Hy with his new cap.
Hx first feel of Christmas.
Happy Kids with mummy.
On Stage?
Sunway Pyramid Mascot.

Friday, December 5, 2014


I just bought this 'limited edition' coffee. Not sure if it is any good, but the packaging sure looks good. Since I am a shallow person, I am falling for it. :)

Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Blue Cow Cafe

From the renovation of the restaurant to the food being served, dinning here reminds me of my time in Australia. I wouldn't dare recommending to everyone I know, however, I really do enjoy the food and the ambience and will revisit in no time.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Driving in Malaysia ... Part IV

Number 7: Double Parking
If you are new to Malaysia traffic, then you better get ready for this. Double parking and/or triple parking! Do not be surprised when you vehicle being blocked by cars that double park or even triple park. This can happen even when it is 12 midnight with empty parking just 10 steps away! Those drivers may not be reach even if you horn, shout or jump like a crazy monkey. Feel free to use your car to push them out of the way. I don't think they will report to the police as they break the law first. I am pretty sure the crowd on the scene will cheers and be on your side.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Driving in Malaysia ... Part III

Number 6: Holes and Road Humps
Driving in Malaysia often reminds me of playing a PC game, namely Sim City II. As a mayor of the Sim City, I can choose to reduce my budget in Roads in order to achieve a budget surplus. The downside of doing so is that my entire city will be filled with Roads with Holes. That's a game, a good one as a matter of fact. In real life, I am experiencing it every day. There are incredible amount of holes on any roads in Malaysia.

I think we all agree that speeding is a major issue for any country. Building a speed hump could be costly in some situation. For example, there are 20 speed humps in a short 500 meter road just outside my office. You can imagine the frustration I have to go thru everyday. Sometimes I question the purpose of speed humps as cars in Malaysia really couldn't drive fast with all those holes everywhere. On second thought, maybe the politician deliberately making sure we have all these holes so that Speeding issue can be reduced :) Bravo! You guys are doing a great job! :)

Monday, December 1, 2014

Driving in Malaysia ... Part II

Number 4: Road Direction / Signs
The directory signs in Malaysia are carefully placed in such a way that you can not read them. They were often placed at a location that is either too far or too difficult to read. There is a perfectly good reason for them to do so. The contents are frequently wrongly advised and/or leads you to a longer path with Tol. The contractors who placed the sign must have know that, therefore placing it in weird location, hoping that you will miss them. The nature seems to be agreeing with them. Trees are often grown to block the view of the road signs. Isn't it amazing to see how nature takes sides :) Hint for the day: When you decide to follow a road sign, you are rolling a dice and taking your chances.

Number 5: Smaller Road Signs
On the bright side, the smaller road signs that indicate the Road name are usually accurate. However, just when you think you can rely on them, you are unfortunately disappointment again. Most of these smaller road signs will be covered by little advertisements from loan shark, fake medicine suppliers and others. You can barely read the road names. Hint for the day, use a GPS when you are closing in.

To be continue...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Driving in Malaysia

Driving in Malaysia (particularly in Klang Valley) required special set of skills. Here's some hint for those driving in Malaysia for the very first time.

Number 1: Never use 'Signal'.
Using signal is an indication of weakness. Nobody will allow you to change lane if you use signal. They will speed up (particularly those who are more fragile like motocycle or little cars) causing you delay, and often miss a turn you intend to make. Instead, you may 'fake' a turn but lightly move the steering wheel to the direction you wish to turn and then back to straight line. This will scare any cars or motocycle therefore causing them to slow down. You are then required to make your move within seconds of your 'fake' move. Failure to do so will irritate others, causing them to speed up and possibly raising an arm with an extended finger.

Number 2: Positioning
It is important to know that there are many heroic drivers in Malaysia who often use the 'keep left to turn right' and 'keep right to turn left' approach. Always be prepared for such hero drivers.

Number 3: Keep to the left in peak hours
It is wise to keep to the left lane if you are stuck in traffic jam. There are plenty of heroic drivers using the 'emergency lane' therefore the left lane is more like a lane and a half. Feel free to use the Emergency lane although you will suffer Maximum Fine if you get caught. Police are often hiding behind trees, and occasionally come from no where and show up at your back.

To be continue....

Monday, October 27, 2014

Halloween Party

Hong Yi's first Halloween Party at the Little Gym. We dress as a skeleton man, Japanese school Girl, Doremon and Strawberry Girl. There are a lot more scary monsters dresses than cute outfit. Guess what happen if you mix them both. (Look at that really scary girl in the next photo)

Friday, October 17, 2014

Birthday Wishlist 2014

Birthday soon again eh? I don't look forward for it so very much and its not surprisingly. I couldn't think of what presents I should buy for myself, after last year's present that I bought for myself, that is a little waste of money. Pretty hard to imagine that just a few years ago I have a long list of wish list and now that I could not think of any. I guess I wouldn't mind having a mi-band, although its not available in Malaysia just yet. Sports Arm Wallet perhaps. What else? Let me think about it and continue this blog later.

Classic Old Movies

Some old movies deserved to be re-watch or to watch it for the very first time even though its a really old movie. Here are some of them:-

- Jarhead. I always like good war movies.
- The Verdict. A 1982 classic by Paul Newmon. (Reminds me of ,The Rainmaker')
- Momento. Wow! This is really good.
- Leon. Another classic. Nathalie Portman is so little & cute.
- Girl with the dragon tattoo. Its so good I hope they make Part II of the trilogy.

Movies with difficult to understand ending-
- Donnie Darko. Now this is interesting.
- The Ninth Gate.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Standard Chartered Run 2014

After only finishing the 10km run in 76 and a half minute last year (versus target of 75 minutes), I have a full year to think about it and how I plan to achieve the target this year. Despite the mild sickness and lack of practices, I insist to participate this year run. Final results - 74 and a half minute. Yes. Mission accomplished. My second half seems to be slightly faster than the first half, due to myself pushing for the target.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Kindergarden School Hunt

Alas... Its time to search for kindergarden school for Hong Yi. Names like Beaconhouse, Fungates, Q-Dees, Montessori; names that I have never heard of; are now options that need to be consider- all equipped with pros and cons I must say. I have couple of weeks to do some research before detail analysis.

What is the most important factor? Location? Convenience? Education material/method? Environment? Answer: All of the above. (Gee.. this is a difficult business to please your customers..)

And the winner is ... (drum rolls...)

Montessori of course...

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Port Dickson

The thought of going for a family trip with two kids has always been scary to me. The recent three days two nights trip to Port Dickson is as tiring as expected, however, not as scary as initially feared. Everything is worthwhile when the kids enjoy themselves.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Bought a new mobile phone- mi3. Everything appears to be great so far. Is it cheap n good or does it have the usual "Buatan Charactoristic"? i.e. Not build to last?

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Mountain & Foot

One mountain is higher than another. One foot is bigger than another.
Hong Xin versus Hong Yi.

Mine versus Hong Yi.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Sticker Collection Book

It is a great feeling passing down a hobby to your son. The book on the left is my collection when I was a boy. I have spent years collecting stickers but I wasn’t able to collect much and only filled the book about 70%. Hong Yi is helping me finishing the collection now. The book on the right is Hong Yi’s. It is progressing fast. I am pretty sure he will be up to book number two in no time.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

100 Days Old

Hong Xin is a hundred days old. Wow. That’s fast. She sure is enjoying all the attention at her during her 100 days old lunch gathering.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Welcome Hong Xin

Welcome Hong Xin to the family!

Oh WOW! You weighted 3.58kg, which is a good half a kg more than expected, even by the doctor the morning before you arrive. You are fed well.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Game of Thrones

Finally, the long waited Game of Thrones Season 4 is starting today, once a week for ten consecutive weeks. The most amazing thing about this series so far is

1. The bad guys keep winning. The good guys keep losing - end up dead, dead or dead.

2. The director will show u various angles on the bad guys and the moment you start to like them, they will be killed (as per no. 1).

Some of my favorite character such as John Snow and Ygritte are probably going to end up dead this season. Oh I am starting to like Arya. Is she safe?

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Water versus water

The only good thing about government limiting the water supply is people like me start realizing that Water is sometimes more important than "water" (as in $$).

Having to seriously cut down on toilet time is no joke. To my surprise, I just realise that the toilet bowl consume the most amount of water in the house.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


I wish to retire from the game of basketball – this is the feeling I felt after each basketball game. However, the ‘retirement’ usually didn’t last very long. I play basketball for the first time since last August, in which we won the 3 on 3 competition. The main reason for the feeling of retirement is due to my performance- not even able to beat players whom I think not worthy to play against, that I should crush them like elephant stepping on ants. Yet however, my current self is less than one tenth of whom I used to be. I still think I can soar when I can barely jump. I still think I can move swiftly when I can barely move. I still think I can shoot like Jordan when all I can do is throw bricks. Time for a real retirement perhaps.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Malaysia War Monument.

First visit back to this place since 1988. This is the first visit for Sacha and Hong Yi. Having similar concepts to places like Perth’s King’s Park, I wonder why not many Malaysian come to this place. It’s just filled with tourist from China. Where’s all the local tourist?

2025 Anniversary Meal At Home

The kids and I prepared a surprised anniversary dinner for mummy/wifey. Food include: Oven cooked Lamb leg, air fryer cooked sausage, Cold c...