Friday, October 30, 2020

Monday, October 26, 2020

Run 25th Oct, 2020

I've got my new gear. I've set my new target. I learn new skills. I push to the max. I strive to go faster and further. I run. And the results are.....   almost identical to the run I had a week ago. Same pace to the second. 

Hmmm.... did I hit bottleneck? 


Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Last run before age 45


Last run before turn 45 officially. Feeling good. Pace is good. I think I probably can go another 2km at the same pace if I push it. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Limited Edition Golden Minion


Police Minion to Guitar Minion," Wei, the dude on your right is brownish colour. Very weird!"

Guitar Minion to Vampire Minion, "Wei, the dude on your right is full of mud. Yuck!"

Vampire Minion to Girl Minion, "Wei, the dude on your right is full of shit. Yuck!"

Girl Minion to Angel Minion, "Wei, the dude on your right is...

interrupt by


Saturday, October 10, 2020

TC Running Club- 3rd Stop

 Next stop- Titiwangsa

3rd stop is at Titiwangsa. Pace is fair and distance has improved. 

Monday, October 5, 2020

Running Exercise

 Running training in progress. Latest progress shown some minor improvement. 6 min 41 second per km for 5.07km. Target is 6 min 30 second for 10km. 

2025 Anniversary Meal At Home

The kids and I prepared a surprised anniversary dinner for mummy/wifey. Food include: Oven cooked Lamb leg, air fryer cooked sausage, Cold c...