Thursday, April 2, 2015


We all heard of the phrase "You can't hit the whole ship of passenger with a single stick". Although I had bad experience dealing with our friendly-ethnic (Malay) business man in the past, (as they pretend to sell us D24 Durian with fake-kampung durian, which I referred as D23 durian), we should treat others fairly. After all, they are different people and in different business. However, a recent experience has teach me a new lesson. Different people from similar educational background, similar culture, similar growing environment, similar government, similar religion, similar everything; are likely to behave similarly. One stick can in deed hit a whole ship of passenger, if they all que up nicely in a line praying for the stick to fall.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Movies / TV

There will be plenty of good shows, both on the big screen and tv coming up this month. First we have the most anticipated movie of the year - Fast & Furious 7. Whether it is great or not, it will be the last. Then we have Entourage the movie. I have been waiting for very long. I am not sure if it will be shown in Malaysia Cinema, but I hope I can download it somewhere. On the TV front, we have Game of Thrones Season 5. Very much looking forward to this too.

Oh yeah there's one more movie that I long for- Ted 2, but it won't be available until June. Lets hope there won't be any delay in screening.

2025 Anniversary Meal At Home

The kids and I prepared a surprised anniversary dinner for mummy/wifey. Food include: Oven cooked Lamb leg, air fryer cooked sausage, Cold c...