Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Its over finally

The wedding trilogy is finally over. Its far from being perfect, however, given the time frame, resources and man power available, I think I have done as much as I possibly could. Still, I miss out on some friends in invitation (which I don’t know how), I forgot to thank some friends in my speech (terrible mistake), mess up some setting which I usually won’t. It may not be as grand as some anticipated, however, we always struggle to decide if we prefer a grand wedding, a cozy wedding or a happening noisy wedding. Some claims ours are closer to the third one, which is a bit unexpected in a hotel, but perhaps it ain’t that bad either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A big thank you to my bb lou gong! You have done everything just perfect to me :D I am very impressed with your time arrangement (working and the wedding planning! I appreciate your efforts in planning everything from the beginning of part 1 to the end of part 3, you want all the memories stay with us even a single tiny arrangement, we just dun want to regret that we have miss out anything. With only 1 1/2 months from pre-wedding photo, ROM, Chinese tea ceremony to dinner reception, it has beyond anything I ever dreamed, bravo bb! I enjoyed every moment with you together with family in every part :)

I feel very sorry that I didnt help much due to too happy with quarterlogy~~ haha :D not feeling well in the whole month, thanks for being so understanding and your endless caring! Sweet :)


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