Monday, June 15, 2009

Lapis Lazuli

I didn’t manage to buy a blue crystal ring after months of browsing, but instead bought a Lapis Lazuli necklace after seeing it for the very first time. I guess it just looks right, or what we call in Chinese 合眼缘.

The word Lapis is the Latin meaning stone, whilst Lazuli comes from an old Arabic word meaning heaving, sky or simply blue. For people around the world, lapis lazuli is considered a stone of truth, friendship and love; and is reputed to promote harmony in relationships. It is perceived to have healing powers (mentioned for centuries by healers, shamans and medicine men), that can eliminate negative emotions, relieves sore throat pain and even increase psychic abilities. Very interesting myth indeed.

The magical stone that will increase psychic abilities. Must remember to wear this when buying 4D.


Anonymous said...

no one visit your blog anymore? y no commnent?

Johnny Koo said...

Yeah loh... either that or everyone rushing to buy a Lapis instead of dropping a comment :P

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