Monday, March 16, 2009


My best friend once told me that if your hand is under pressure as you sleep (i.e. if someone lie on top of your hand), you’ll definitely have dream. (It also probably implies that if he has dreams, he must be hugging someone in his sleep).

I don’t agree with that a hundred percent but I usually don’t remember my dreams the following morning. Anyway, my dream last night is about going scuba diving and my Oxygen tank isn’t working (which I later realize it is running out of Oxygen after consulting with another friend). It isn’t an issue for me in dreams, as I can always breathe under water as well as having exceptional jumping abilities and skill of flying. I wonder what are the meanings of these dreams.

What's your latest dream?


Johnny Koo said...

Following Monday night’s weird dream, last night I dream of having a fight with a burglar to an acquaintance’s house. I remember the pounce I give to him but I don’t recall having any special powers in this dream.

Anonymous said...

You are in the condition of " day have the thought, night have the dreams"..

mayb you hv "unforcseen power" coming up leh!!

Mag Low said...

Here are some meaning of the particular scenes YOU meant -

Diving - perhaps you walking yuor life is entering a particular adventurous
if so, the dream may suggest that you are "diving in an deep end"
offer a warning , WATER is involved, so your emotions may be in question.
think particular carefully about this if you are about to commit yourself to a new partner.

Water - deepest emotions,and instincts are in question or under examination
when your dream use the symbols of water. they may be either reassuring or make you conscious of
deep rooted conflicts. they may be encouraging you to dive to the bottom of your problems,
allow youremotion flow more freely, to stop confining them behind some sort of dam or within
too narrow channels.

all this found in my dreams dictionary. hope it could give u some hints in it.

take care bUnnY

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