Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Year 2008

This would be the last entry for year 2008. I compiled a list of eleven resolutions back in January this year. Some think I am too ambitious whilst others have doubts that I would follow my detail plan. I have, however, been reviewing the resolution and keeping track of the progress on a weekly basis for the entire year. Today my report card shows that four of the eleven resolutions are successful realized, two are progressing well but not fully pull off, whilst the other five yet to accomplished. I shall have similar if not an even more detailed plan for year 2009.

Ready for a run at year 2009
Polishing my shoes and preparing for a run at year 2009

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Boxing Day

Participate in a boxing day gathering last night, which includes events such as exchanging of presents, special performance by those not following the themes and names memory exercise. I received a solar mini plant, another form of lucky vegi (see photo) :)

Lucky Vegi

There are plenty of wines tasting exercise too. To my surprise, some people have never heard of the mixture of red wines and soda. Although it is wise to think that such mixture will spoilt the original taste of the wine, one should also be aware that there are plenty of people, particularly Chinese from the main land China, believed that such combination are tastier (not that I believe in it). Some manufacturers (even those from countries producing good wines) produce such mixture as final product. If you wish to try that, why not mix a Cab Souvignon from France with soda. I mean, who would want to try a Cab Souv from France by itself anyway.

Unique presents
A very unique present that Stephie received. Who can guess what's that for?

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

I wish everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Joyeux Noël et une nouvelle année heureuse

Buon Natale e un nuovo anno felice

عيد ميلاد المسيح سعيدة وسنة جديدة

즐거운 성탄 및 새해 복 많이 받으세요


Yuan De Bu Neng Na, Fang De Neng Na
(Indian, must read very fast, with head shaking, and curry on one hand)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Prison Escapees Spotted

Warning! Prison escapees were spotted in the newly constructed lighted church. See photo.

Warning! Prison Escapees 04 and 547 were Spotted!

It’s a 3D puzzle of 327 pieces. Surprisingly it hasn’t been as difficult as anticipated as it took less than ten man-hours for completion.

Monday, December 15, 2008


Here’s some of my cars collection from Shell. There are five from the James Bond series and seven from the Ferrari series.

Collection from Shell

I used to have some pretty cool hand made car models, however, have been crumple over the years of lack of maintenance, and is currently packed in some boxes in the garage. I never own a remote car in my childhood and have been considering getting one for myself now, despite being a little bit too ‘matured’ for that. Maybe I can get one just for the sake of chasing the dog or unwanted visitors. If you come visit me and I happen to take out the remote car, you should know my intention. :)

Sunday, December 14, 2008


Appointed a professional grass cutter to cut the overgrown grass in the front yard. Was sucked in when he sarcastically said that I have not cut the grass for over a year, which as a matter of fact was quite true. The front yard is now 80% yellow / semi-dead grass but hopefully new life will arise in the coming weeks. New life will represent new hope, new opportunities, new luck and new aura. Time to buy 4D coming soon perhaps. :)

Semi-dead but new life coming soon, hopefully.

Friday, December 12, 2008

8 Word & Chinese Zodiac

Just recently attended an 8 word analysis and realize that I am seriously lack of water. A website indicated that only 1.5% of my five elements are water. As such, if you have excess water, please spare some to me.

In terms of the Chinese Zodiac animals, my best friends are Sheep and Pig. If you are a sheep or pig, preferable someone with plenty of water, leave me your phone number and I will be your best friend immediately. If you are a rooster, particularly with plenty of gold or earth, however, then it’s a pleasure knowing you, good bye.

R u rooster?
Are you a rooster or sheep/pig?

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Book Sharing 2

I attended another book sharing discussion last night, which I haven’t been participating since June earlier this year. This book is about the sub-prime crisis in the States that has been troubling the World for the past year.

An interest fact pointed by the book is that many sub-prime properties have been packaged and improvised into some financial structure for marketing purpose and that nobody can recognize its original state anymore. Similarly, many people have undergone much plastic surgeries and that nobody can recognize or remember their original appearances anymore. Do you know what financial products you have acquire or what is your wife / girlfriends’ original appearances?

I wonder what is Kirinenko's (the red bunny) original apperances?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


My car fuel tank’s low warning light was on whist I was driving late last night, only to realize that the petrol shall reduce another ten cents tomorrow and that its 11.45pm at that time. So what would you do? Sit there and wait for 15 minutes or do what I am doing – pump just RM 10 and revisit the station the following day?

I wonder who would sleep there for 15 minutes for the price of petrol to change?

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Bak Kut Teh

I have recovered from last week’s sickness. Based on my professional analysis, the root of sickness is throat infection that leads to fever, headache and cold. The cause of throat infection is over-heaty, which starts from serious heaty food several days prior to the sickness. One of them being the superwoman’s Bak Kut Teh’ exhibition in Klang (see below)

Biggest bowl filled with bak kut teh’ in the world, many innocent pig was murdered for this).

2025 Anniversary Meal At Home

The kids and I prepared a surprised anniversary dinner for mummy/wifey. Food include: Oven cooked Lamb leg, air fryer cooked sausage, Cold c...